Friday, February 17, 2012

oh let me run to my redeemer

"Today you'll harden your heart by defending as good the wrongs you've done or you'll run to the forgiving grace of your Redeemer."

I saw this on twitter today. Its making me think a lot.

Im so full of brokenness and sin and that is so evident as a judge the things that come out of my mouth as an overflow of my heart. I am so innately vile that it spills out and disgusts and embarrasses me as it shames me.
But just as this is true of me, so is the existence of a much more powerful saving grace that holds its arms all the way out to me if I can manage to lift my face out of my pillow and receive it. And its so powerful and attractive that if I cant even lift my own face, grace will become my pillow and still do its work on my heart to humble me and soften me.

All goodness comes from Christ. All good in me comes from Christ's sacrifice. I am useless without Him as I am dead without Him. Right in my own trespasses, I lay dead until His sacrifice took root in my heart and allowed me to breath fully and finally alive in Him.

Why do I continue to sin and then be surprised by it?

Let me run to the open arms of grace that is my Redeemer when I feel broken and let down by my sinful self and find rest that He loves me and will sharpen me. Let me find true repentance of my sin and grow.. Let me be sanctified even if its in the painful process of refining gold by submerging it in the fire to remove the dross, my dross.

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