Monday, January 9, 2012


Man, what a difference a lamp makes.

Im pretty settled into my new room, and I finally finished my lampshade project where I put lovely burlap strips all over. I found a gold lamp base for it, and now Im set. The lighting in here is just amazing. Rachel would be so proud of all this natural light. She has really got to get over here and see my new room...

Since graduation, approximately 23 or so days ago, I have been pondering my college career. All the ups, downs, tears, peers, craziness, and mistakes worth making. I love it. Im excited to see whats in the next chapter of course, but as I think on it all, Im reminded of how fantastically the Lord placed lights to steer towards Himself.
He is certainly big enough to have things His way, and He tells us that we are His workmanship created to do the good works that He has planned for us so that He may receive glory for being awesome.
It is definitely for His glory that I am in the community of believers that I am in. But how did I get here? I met the right people when I joined my sorority. My friends back home were way skeptical, and barely supportive, of me going greek, but in my pride I wanted things my way and I was going to rush no matter what. That led me to networking with some staff of a campus ministry. Thus, changing the trajectory of my college career, and life for that matter, forever.
Im sure I would have had fun otherwise, but the Lord supremely used my motivations, rotten as they might have been, to make me bump elbows with some extremely influential people. As a result, I am believing more deeply in the Gospel than I ever realized was possible. He opened my eyes to the many facets of Himself, to the depth of His love, and greatness of His rescue plan. How He chose me from the beginning and is surprised by nothing that I do. There is even nothing that I could do or think that could make Him love my any more or any less, because His Son paid the price for me by enduring all Gods wrath that I deserved because of my sin. Now I wear His robe of righteousness!? What is this double imputation that is going on around here?! How do I even know what this is?! Because He has used others to teach me about what His word means and how to study scripture so that it may be a light unto my path. He didnt have to show me this so that I can intimately relate to Him and His word. He doesnt have to use me at all for anything, but thats the thing...He uses me because He does love me. And I certainly wouldnt be living as fully as I am now, even as single white female- no mrs degree here folks, without His divine and planned provision in m  life. I am so grateful for His hand around me!

I am just so thankful for the lamps in my life that have pushed me towards the gospel. And the ones that continually push me toward the Gospel, because Lord knows I need it new every day.
Is fascinating how meeting one person can drastically change your life. How someone's intentionality can radically alter everything you know about life. This some is Jesus. He offers life. What a Lamp!

And still He uses us to be lamps to others and send the gospel out into the nations, or to the newest pledge class, or the girl down the hall, or your dearest friend that you have been praying for for months.

I am thankful today for the difference that a lamp makes.

P.S. #goalupdate... I finished my lampshade. it is now shining brightly in my room. now its time to read a bit before bed :)

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