oh yes, what a great weekend this is turning out to be.
come to think about it, I have had solid weekends since this year has started.
here's to keeping that going...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
hit me baby one more time
Well we have gotten Jessica all moved in, or well at least her stuff is all in... lol. We have had some interesting times and talks already, laughed until we cried. so much more to tell!
I cant believe its been so long since Ive blogged... I have been so busy! babysitting, sewing, reading, learning...
P.S. #goalupdate.. I read the hunger games, sewed several skirts, gotten in the Word, journaled about what Im learning from my Redeemer Women, been intentional, went thrifting with mom and revamped my room already. pictures to follow. I am definitely making progress :)
I cant believe its been so long since Ive blogged... I have been so busy! babysitting, sewing, reading, learning...
P.S. #goalupdate.. I read the hunger games, sewed several skirts, gotten in the Word, journaled about what Im learning from my Redeemer Women, been intentional, went thrifting with mom and revamped my room already. pictures to follow. I am definitely making progress :)
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
How in the world are people so interesting? What do we find so fascinating about other people? What makes us wish we were other people or at least had their lives so badly? What makes us so jealous of what we may not have? What in the world are people around us doing that makes our skin crawl with bitterness and wishful thinking?
There are some common threads to what folks are getting into that makes persons so worth while.
I have decided that these things are what do it for people, and so in the next year I shall embrace the bold ingenuity that it takes to grow and learn.
Here are a few ideas to being interesting.
1. Go Exploring.

Explore ideas, places, and opinions. The inside of the echo chamber is where all the boring people hang out.
2. Share What You Discover.

And be generous when you do. Not everybody went exploring with you. Let them live vicariously through your adventures.
3. Do Something. Anything.

Dance. Talk. Build. Network. Play. Help. Write. Create. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you’re doing it. Sitting around and complaining is not an acceptable form of ‘something,’ in case you were wondering.
4. Embrace Your Innate Weirdness.

No one is normal. Everyone has quirks and insights unique to themselves. Don’t hide these things—they are what make you interesting.
5. Have a Cause.

If you don’t give a shmee-shma about anything, no one will give a shmee about you.
6. Minimize the Ego-Swag.

Egos get in the way of ideas. If your arrogance is more obvious than your expertise, you are someone other people avoid.
7. Give it a shot.

Try it out. Play around with a new idea. Do something strange. If you never leave your comfort zone, you won’t grow.
8. Hop off the Bandwagon.

If everyone else is doing it, you’re already late to the party. Do your own thing, and others will hop onto the spiffy wagon you built yourself.
9. Grow a Pair.

Bravery is needed to have contrary opinions and to take unexpected paths. If you’re not courageous, you’re going to be hanging around the water cooler, talking about the guy who actually is.
10. Ignore the Scolds.

Boring is safe, and you will be told to behave yourself. The scolds could have, would have, should have. But they didn’t. And they resent you for your adventures.
Monday, January 16, 2012
i know its already been a while...but we found love in a hopeless place
I just love my greaat friend... Josh. He is the best. He is a great writer and he takes no crap when it comes to reporting. I love when he comes over and we catchup on our lives and what we are learning. He is the coolest guy ever. I he cracks me up all the time and his genuine personality is refreshing. I love him to death and I know that he is going to do great things. I cherish our conversations about life, UNA, drama, people, especially people, religion, life, goals, and stupid people. That is all. hhaha
you know who you are, so you better comment on this when you decided to be smart and follow me, Josh!
you know who you are, so you better comment on this when you decided to be smart and follow me, Josh!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
good morning balitimore
I just had the best time ever laughing my tail off with Heather, Kristin, Erin, and Maegan. I think we are going to audition for Hairspray and some of us will rock it. Spoiler Alert, it wont be me... haha. I am so excited for this phase of my life! Where I do what I want to, when I want to and I have a blast while doing whatever that is. I love the women in my life and I am thrilled to be making such great friends! Or getting to know them better, shall I say. They truly are wonderful people. Praise the Lord for the work that he is doing in my life. And for every single hilarious line in Hairspray. And for the ability to belt out every word to every song, because yes, I know them all....
P.S. #goalupdate... I have hung out significantly with 4 of the women in my church this week. Being intentional is a beautiful thing!
P.S. #goalupdate... I have hung out significantly with 4 of the women in my church this week. Being intentional is a beautiful thing!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
blogging and eating pizza by myself...at least its from ricatonis
Its pouring down rain outside. I hate the rain. At least I do today. But then again, Im not often ok with it.
My room is much more put together. I am such a fan of it. But I wish my Chelsea was still here....

I am glad that I finally have some photos in frames verses all those collage pictures lol. Every thing has a place and I feel so organized!
I love the color scheme of this room with the gold, red, turquoise, and white and floral patterns. I love the wire that Chelsea left behind for photos and special memories. I feel put together. I love this.
P.S. #goalupdate... I finished The Help. woohoooo!
My room is much more put together. I am such a fan of it. But I wish my Chelsea was still here....

I especially love my floral chair, my gold purse (thanks Kathryn) and my blue dresser!!! Im glad I brought my jewelry box up here, I feel like a grown up haha. And of course, I have Chelseas Butts Project haha!
I am glad that I finally have some photos in frames verses all those collage pictures lol. Every thing has a place and I feel so organized!
I love the color scheme of this room with the gold, red, turquoise, and white and floral patterns. I love the wire that Chelsea left behind for photos and special memories. I feel put together. I love this.
P.S. #goalupdate... I finished The Help. woohoooo!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Man, what a difference a lamp makes.
Im pretty settled into my new room, and I finally finished my lampshade project where I put lovely burlap strips all over. I found a gold lamp base for it, and now Im set. The lighting in here is just amazing. Rachel would be so proud of all this natural light. She has really got to get over here and see my new room...
Since graduation, approximately 23 or so days ago, I have been pondering my college career. All the ups, downs, tears, peers, craziness, and mistakes worth making. I love it. Im excited to see whats in the next chapter of course, but as I think on it all, Im reminded of how fantastically the Lord placed lights to steer towards Himself.
He is certainly big enough to have things His way, and He tells us that we are His workmanship created to do the good works that He has planned for us so that He may receive glory for being awesome.
It is definitely for His glory that I am in the community of believers that I am in. But how did I get here? I met the right people when I joined my sorority. My friends back home were way skeptical, and barely supportive, of me going greek, but in my pride I wanted things my way and I was going to rush no matter what. That led me to networking with some staff of a campus ministry. Thus, changing the trajectory of my college career, and life for that matter, forever.
Im sure I would have had fun otherwise, but the Lord supremely used my motivations, rotten as they might have been, to make me bump elbows with some extremely influential people. As a result, I am believing more deeply in the Gospel than I ever realized was possible. He opened my eyes to the many facets of Himself, to the depth of His love, and greatness of His rescue plan. How He chose me from the beginning and is surprised by nothing that I do. There is even nothing that I could do or think that could make Him love my any more or any less, because His Son paid the price for me by enduring all Gods wrath that I deserved because of my sin. Now I wear His robe of righteousness!? What is this double imputation that is going on around here?! How do I even know what this is?! Because He has used others to teach me about what His word means and how to study scripture so that it may be a light unto my path. He didnt have to show me this so that I can intimately relate to Him and His word. He doesnt have to use me at all for anything, but thats the thing...He uses me because He does love me. And I certainly wouldnt be living as fully as I am now, even as single white female- no mrs degree here folks, without His divine and planned provision in m life. I am so grateful for His hand around me!
I am just so thankful for the lamps in my life that have pushed me towards the gospel. And the ones that continually push me toward the Gospel, because Lord knows I need it new every day.
Is fascinating how meeting one person can drastically change your life. How someone's intentionality can radically alter everything you know about life. This some is Jesus. He offers life. What a Lamp!
And still He uses us to be lamps to others and send the gospel out into the nations, or to the newest pledge class, or the girl down the hall, or your dearest friend that you have been praying for for months.
I am thankful today for the difference that a lamp makes.
P.S. #goalupdate... I finished my lampshade. it is now shining brightly in my room. now its time to read a bit before bed :)
Im pretty settled into my new room, and I finally finished my lampshade project where I put lovely burlap strips all over. I found a gold lamp base for it, and now Im set. The lighting in here is just amazing. Rachel would be so proud of all this natural light. She has really got to get over here and see my new room...
Since graduation, approximately 23 or so days ago, I have been pondering my college career. All the ups, downs, tears, peers, craziness, and mistakes worth making. I love it. Im excited to see whats in the next chapter of course, but as I think on it all, Im reminded of how fantastically the Lord placed lights to steer towards Himself.
He is certainly big enough to have things His way, and He tells us that we are His workmanship created to do the good works that He has planned for us so that He may receive glory for being awesome.
It is definitely for His glory that I am in the community of believers that I am in. But how did I get here? I met the right people when I joined my sorority. My friends back home were way skeptical, and barely supportive, of me going greek, but in my pride I wanted things my way and I was going to rush no matter what. That led me to networking with some staff of a campus ministry. Thus, changing the trajectory of my college career, and life for that matter, forever.
Im sure I would have had fun otherwise, but the Lord supremely used my motivations, rotten as they might have been, to make me bump elbows with some extremely influential people. As a result, I am believing more deeply in the Gospel than I ever realized was possible. He opened my eyes to the many facets of Himself, to the depth of His love, and greatness of His rescue plan. How He chose me from the beginning and is surprised by nothing that I do. There is even nothing that I could do or think that could make Him love my any more or any less, because His Son paid the price for me by enduring all Gods wrath that I deserved because of my sin. Now I wear His robe of righteousness!? What is this double imputation that is going on around here?! How do I even know what this is?! Because He has used others to teach me about what His word means and how to study scripture so that it may be a light unto my path. He didnt have to show me this so that I can intimately relate to Him and His word. He doesnt have to use me at all for anything, but thats the thing...He uses me because He does love me. And I certainly wouldnt be living as fully as I am now, even as single white female- no mrs degree here folks, without His divine and planned provision in m life. I am so grateful for His hand around me!
I am just so thankful for the lamps in my life that have pushed me towards the gospel. And the ones that continually push me toward the Gospel, because Lord knows I need it new every day.
Is fascinating how meeting one person can drastically change your life. How someone's intentionality can radically alter everything you know about life. This some is Jesus. He offers life. What a Lamp!
And still He uses us to be lamps to others and send the gospel out into the nations, or to the newest pledge class, or the girl down the hall, or your dearest friend that you have been praying for for months.
I am thankful today for the difference that a lamp makes.
P.S. #goalupdate... I finished my lampshade. it is now shining brightly in my room. now its time to read a bit before bed :)
Friday, January 6, 2012
new room!
I had an awesome day with my mom and sister antiquing. everything is coming together in my room and I feel so organized haha. pictures to follow.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
I am thankful today that I have been given a flesh heart. The Lord has so softened me so that I may feel, feel Him, feel love for others, feel and know joy.. He has removed my obligation to try to fulfill the law so that I may gain salvation, and given me His righteousness to wear as a beautiful dress that I may walk in splendor into His loving arms that are wide open for me not matter what I have been doing or thinking. My sins are paid for. What a relief!
I feel so emotional right now. Probably because I just watched greys anatomy and I am a total sap, but I am thankful for the emotions that I am able to feel.
Today I have felt especially alive. I dont know why. But my life is happening and I am rejoicing that I have life, and full life abundantly. I could very well spend my days being sad and disappointed with my life, but I dont. The Lord has given me hope. And from this comes peace. What a blessing this is...
Almost as awesome as the way His peace surpasses all understanding to guard my heart and mind for His purposes. Praise the Lord for His sovereignty and provision in my life that although trials come with a ferver sometimes, I have found that often we dont know joy on this side of suffering. I am simply overwhelmed with gratitude for life right now.
Let me not waste this life, but be wiling to use it for a purpose bigger than me. I seek joy as a pray for contentment in where He has me now, especially as a single white female whose family has lots of questions regarding the whereabouts of my husband...thats ok!
I shall conclude on this note, a note of rejoice. He came to redeem this broken world, and He is doing it one heart at a time. I am thankful that He pursued mine, and opened my eyes to the glorious truth that He reigns. Woohoo!
P.S. #goalupdate I got out the new sewing machine tonight and made a giant pillowcase for my body pillow of this awesome yellow flower fabric that I bought with my Memaw a few days a ago. I experimented with the fancy stitches on the machine to make the top look like it was embroidered with turquoise leaves, which just happens to match the antique dresser (pictured in an earlier blog). Ill try to get a photo of the pillow too.
you may not can tell anything about the fancy stitch..but its there haha
peace and blessings
P.S. #goalupdate I got out the new sewing machine tonight and made a giant pillowcase for my body pillow of this awesome yellow flower fabric that I bought with my Memaw a few days a ago. I experimented with the fancy stitches on the machine to make the top look like it was embroidered with turquoise leaves, which just happens to match the antique dresser (pictured in an earlier blog). Ill try to get a photo of the pillow too.
you may not can tell anything about the fancy stitch..but its there haha
peace and blessings
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
crafty, and i like it
This is purely so I can put my awesome dresser on pinterest and make everyone jealous of my treasure find. Its also what I plan on making my brown yard sale dresser look just like it... super pumped. now to just get the mirror on the back like its supposed to be...
Laughing my Bootay off
#NP Beyonce... What else? Im in love with "Countdown"
SO I have been just laughing for 2 days straight. Isnt that what life's all about? Praise the Lort.
I finally got my junk moved up here and as soon as a certain someone, who shall remain nameless, get my mirror on my amazing antique dresser, then my room will be just right. I have the sewing machine in here and have mapped out my next craft. Apparently I have 24 to make this scarf a pillow case. Challenge accepted.
Jessica-Lauren has been with me all day, doing some nesting in the apt and doing some serious catching up and hilarious story times. I am definitely going to love this living arrangement, although I am sorely missing my Special Chelsea! We really are going to be sharpening each other, the 3 of us, this semester. I am liking where this is going.
Got this #Diva mix playing with my Beyonce, Whitney, Celine, Ella, Donna, Tina, and Christina, you know the real superstars. "Oh how I love you baby, baby, baby!"
So when you read this, you may not get these, so I will tell you if you ask. But JLo, these are for you: "Im Justin Beiber, My butt is impressive!- Arent you embarrassed?!"
"Is that how you got your big muscles?"
"She spit her toothpaste spittle all over herself"
"They are all quiet, innocent, and peaceful, and I'm all loud, crazy, and I have evil thoughts!"
"Now here are some rules for being in my life..."
"What were we talking about? Oh, his SP..."
"Can I take you out? It aint all about you bootay!"
We are destined be together. I know that I am going to enjoy our constant laughter, cooking, crafting, praying, encouraging, giggling, video watching, singing at the top of our lungs, life discussing, and open door policy (literally).
So day 1 into this world back in Flo, and Im doing alright. I am planning a cruise trip with the girls. But we are looking for some more guys to come along. We have one half-committed guy. Whatever. Its going to be an awesome 5 days in the bahamas. Woohoo for grown up life. And I stuck around wine down wednesdays where the ladies win free stuff on drink special night at the downtown bar, only to win myself the coveted string of pearls at the end of the night. Good thing that announcer guy looked at my funny when I acted like I was going to walk out before the show was over. But for now, its back to work and making that money to pay these bills....
So I shall leave you all with this little beauty...just remember, it aint all about yo bootyyy..
P.S. #Goalupdate : I am half way through the novel, the Help. So I am on my way to accomplishing these goals..yey for me.
Jessica-Lauren has been with me all day, doing some nesting in the apt and doing some serious catching up and hilarious story times. I am definitely going to love this living arrangement, although I am sorely missing my Special Chelsea! We really are going to be sharpening each other, the 3 of us, this semester. I am liking where this is going.
Got this #Diva mix playing with my Beyonce, Whitney, Celine, Ella, Donna, Tina, and Christina, you know the real superstars. "Oh how I love you baby, baby, baby!"
So when you read this, you may not get these, so I will tell you if you ask. But JLo, these are for you: "Im Justin Beiber, My butt is impressive!- Arent you embarrassed?!"
"Is that how you got your big muscles?"
"She spit her toothpaste spittle all over herself"
"They are all quiet, innocent, and peaceful, and I'm all loud, crazy, and I have evil thoughts!"
"Now here are some rules for being in my life..."
"What were we talking about? Oh, his SP..."
"Can I take you out? It aint all about you bootay!"
We are destined be together. I know that I am going to enjoy our constant laughter, cooking, crafting, praying, encouraging, giggling, video watching, singing at the top of our lungs, life discussing, and open door policy (literally).
So day 1 into this world back in Flo, and Im doing alright. I am planning a cruise trip with the girls. But we are looking for some more guys to come along. We have one half-committed guy. Whatever. Its going to be an awesome 5 days in the bahamas. Woohoo for grown up life. And I stuck around wine down wednesdays where the ladies win free stuff on drink special night at the downtown bar, only to win myself the coveted string of pearls at the end of the night. Good thing that announcer guy looked at my funny when I acted like I was going to walk out before the show was over. But for now, its back to work and making that money to pay these bills....
So I shall leave you all with this little beauty...just remember, it aint all about yo bootyyy..
P.S. #Goalupdate : I am half way through the novel, the Help. So I am on my way to accomplishing these goals..yey for me.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sometimes people say that my head is to big for my body, and then I say, Compared to WHAT!?
Also, I find these Marcel videos incredibly hilarious.
If you love that, then here is part 2...
Hopefully more to come. I just cant get over its nonchalance and matter-of-factness.
P.S. Guess why I smile a lot.....uh, cause its worth it.
If you love that, then here is part 2...
Hopefully more to come. I just cant get over its nonchalance and matter-of-factness.
P.S. Guess why I smile a lot.....uh, cause its worth it.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Life on the Savannah
Its January 2012. My life is no longer segmented into "semesters" as I have finally graduated from the university. I sit here at my mom's house watching the Golden Girls, and Im filled with wonder as to what my life will be filled with from this point until my hair is topped with the white haired crown of womanly wisdom. This is definitely a new chapter, full of possibilities. I can pretty much do whatever I want to.
So I have decided to make a few goals for myself. In increments of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, I shall tackle things that will teach me about life in 2012. I hope I dont abandon any of these, but lets get real. Im a human woman stumbler who cant really drive and I may let some of them down. But I'll do my best. I will certainly add to my goal list as I go along this year. Im sure my life will change in unexpected ways because I am living by faith and trusting the Lord for my life. Or at least get bored or realize that I cant change the whole world right now, but hey I can dreeeam! After all, He is the one who redeemed me and has prepared good works for me in advance for me to do.
Ok. I am brainstorming these now...
I. In the next month:
A. Move in one of my very best friends into 204A!!- Jessica will be moving in soon and I am super pumped to introduce her to my precious town!
B. Ask 3 girls to pray about being in a discipleship group with me- I need them in my life! All the times that I have lead girls have been the times when I have felt most useful to the Lord. I know this isnt the purpose of discipleship, but I want to get my hands dirty in the work of the Lord in building laborers for His Kingdom. I need to grow in Kingdom-mindedness.
C. Have difficult conversations with girls in my life- Im a girl and I have conflict. I need to resolve this. Also, I need to be speaking truth into the lives of my peers. I pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts for this one.
D. Read more books- This month, the Help and the Hunger Games.
II. In the next 3 months:
A. Grow in my Prayer Life- I have got to live with more dependence on the Lord. This is going to come with consistent prayer that is persistent, rude, and raw with my Redeemer.
B. Distress my dresser- I want the one I have to match the sweet blue vintage one that I got at the Antique store last month. My Antiquey/Trendy little room and apt are coming along nicely.
C. Make my ADPi t-shirt quilt- I got a sewing machine for christmas and I am thrilled to begin getting crafty.
D. Take the MAT and apply for Grad school- yep... I'm going back. To UNA. Community Counseling. More on this later...
III. In the next 6 months:
A. Be intentional with girls- I want to meet with a sorority sister, a friend, someone new at least once a week to get to know them or to get in the word. I need more one-on-ones!
B. Meet with a woman of my church, Redeemer Women, each week- I looooooove my church and I want to be growing from its leadership and direction. Since I have joined, I am under their authority and I want to share the hearts of their women ane be able to minister to them, coffee dates or laundry or cleaning thier house, as they minister to me by sharing their lives with me.
IV. In the next year:
A. Pray for contentment- As a woman, this is my great curse. I want to be thankful each that I am alive because it means that I am living for an eternity spent with my Redeemer. my life is about Jesus and that makes me glad where ever I am.
B. Seek joy- God commands us to be happy, to rejoice in Him. He is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. I will be praying for my mind to be transformed by the Holy Spirit so that I may be content in where He has me to go or what He has me to do.
I hope this will be a good year. Otherwise I'll be pissed. haha. Maybe through some prayer, living life in community, and trying new things to expand my mind, I hope to be one step closer to this Proverbs 31 woman that everyone wants to be.
Whatever happens... He calls me Daughter, no matter how many times I screw up.
So I have decided to make a few goals for myself. In increments of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, I shall tackle things that will teach me about life in 2012. I hope I dont abandon any of these, but lets get real. Im a human woman stumbler who cant really drive and I may let some of them down. But I'll do my best. I will certainly add to my goal list as I go along this year. Im sure my life will change in unexpected ways because I am living by faith and trusting the Lord for my life. Or at least get bored or realize that I cant change the whole world right now, but hey I can dreeeam! After all, He is the one who redeemed me and has prepared good works for me in advance for me to do.
Ok. I am brainstorming these now...
I. In the next month:
A. Move in one of my very best friends into 204A!!- Jessica will be moving in soon and I am super pumped to introduce her to my precious town!
B. Ask 3 girls to pray about being in a discipleship group with me- I need them in my life! All the times that I have lead girls have been the times when I have felt most useful to the Lord. I know this isnt the purpose of discipleship, but I want to get my hands dirty in the work of the Lord in building laborers for His Kingdom. I need to grow in Kingdom-mindedness.
C. Have difficult conversations with girls in my life- Im a girl and I have conflict. I need to resolve this. Also, I need to be speaking truth into the lives of my peers. I pray for wisdom and the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts for this one.
D. Read more books- This month, the Help and the Hunger Games.
II. In the next 3 months:
A. Grow in my Prayer Life- I have got to live with more dependence on the Lord. This is going to come with consistent prayer that is persistent, rude, and raw with my Redeemer.
B. Distress my dresser- I want the one I have to match the sweet blue vintage one that I got at the Antique store last month. My Antiquey/Trendy little room and apt are coming along nicely.
C. Make my ADPi t-shirt quilt- I got a sewing machine for christmas and I am thrilled to begin getting crafty.
D. Take the MAT and apply for Grad school- yep... I'm going back. To UNA. Community Counseling. More on this later...
III. In the next 6 months:
A. Be intentional with girls- I want to meet with a sorority sister, a friend, someone new at least once a week to get to know them or to get in the word. I need more one-on-ones!
B. Meet with a woman of my church, Redeemer Women, each week- I looooooove my church and I want to be growing from its leadership and direction. Since I have joined, I am under their authority and I want to share the hearts of their women ane be able to minister to them, coffee dates or laundry or cleaning thier house, as they minister to me by sharing their lives with me.
IV. In the next year:
A. Pray for contentment- As a woman, this is my great curse. I want to be thankful each that I am alive because it means that I am living for an eternity spent with my Redeemer. my life is about Jesus and that makes me glad where ever I am.
B. Seek joy- God commands us to be happy, to rejoice in Him. He is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him. I will be praying for my mind to be transformed by the Holy Spirit so that I may be content in where He has me to go or what He has me to do.
I hope this will be a good year. Otherwise I'll be pissed. haha. Maybe through some prayer, living life in community, and trying new things to expand my mind, I hope to be one step closer to this Proverbs 31 woman that everyone wants to be.
Whatever happens... He calls me Daughter, no matter how many times I screw up.
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